Tags : selflove

Healing from you

Healing from you

A Story by Strong Queen

Healing from a heartache
Forgiving someone else to give you peace.

Forgiving someone else to give you peace.

A Story by Strong Queen

Forgiveness is for me
Healing after a narcissist

Healing after a narcissist

A Story by Strong Queen

Healing yourself
To Fit a Fat Woman In a Pit

To Fit a Fat Woman In a Pit

A Poem by Amy_writes

This poem is all about the things women had to go through in order to fit the narrow minds(pits) of people in the ancient minds.


A Poem by montresor

a wild imaginationyou havethinking, wondering, fantasizingponderingwhether you could truly be lovedsilly you
Walking Anachronisms

Walking Anachronisms

A Poem by Amadeus the Loveless

A prose poem about seeing someone from your past and how it would've been best not to see them again at all.
Sad little Sea Urchin

Sad little Sea Urchin

A Story by Amadeus the Loveless

A short story about a loveless sea urchin traversing life
Godly Love

Godly Love

A Poem by Amadeus the Loveless

Love is God and God is Love


A Poem by fen

a poem about a mature and present me being a bit mean to my past version
pretty pretty girl

pretty pretty girl

A Poem by fen

not long ago

not long ago

A Poem by fen

childhood and female rage


A Poem by Nishalya

How beautiful you are.
Spring has come again.

Spring has come again.

A Story by Nishalya

Sometimes you can do without changing the past.
My Dear Self, What Do You care?

My Dear Self, What Do You care?

A Story by Grace Wolff

“When it’s time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived.” – Henry David Thoreau

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