Tags lord
All of itA Poem by SketchThere are voices in my headIt's a rather small space to shareThey're like annoying roomatesSometimes I can hardly bearThey scream and shoutWanting to .. |
My Love For Tom RiddleA Book by AsilemThe story of Lord Voldemort and the only girl he ever loved. How she left his life, hating him, and what the Dark Lord was willing to do to win back h.. |
Lord, I Beseech YouA Story by Tazz S.H.lord, help me. |
The Life and Death of Polly the CowA Story by AnorHumorous short story, heavily affected by the writing of P.G.Wodehouse's Blanding's Castle stories. |
Awake My SoulA Poem by springy tart lemurDixon - 17/8/2012 Oh. Lord. What. A. Time. |
OBVIOUSLYA Poem by kublakhan2701 01 02 |
The Knights of NightA Book by surfingpanda7In the land of Runir, there is a war that is sweeping over the land. The once powerful and magic order of knights is failing and their members die off.. |
AlisaA Poem by David Lewis PagetI couldn’t sleep in the stableyard, I couldn’t sleep in the house, I crept around in the dark out there As quiet as any m.. |
FictionA Poem by PoetryofProvidenceWhat beliefs within that do you definethe adversary's lies or Gods Truth divinelike a child absorbed what you've been taughthave you examined the thin.. |
Glorious RamboA Poem by Leumas RelwoodThe Rambonian National Anthem |
I am HisA Poem by Solid RockNot My Life, but His. |
The PilotA Poem by headoverheartGod, whatever you conceive Him to be.. |
a mask againA Poem by mariehiding in myselfplease don't let them noticeplace my pain upon the shelfi fade into this masks mistwhere on Earth can i runi'm trapped within this shr.. |
A Lord's LoyaltyA Book by Douglas A. SteelHigh Lord Harold Midheath is about to find himself in the middle of a war that he is not prepared for. As a High Lord his duty is to his King, but who.. |
One Hell of a ButlerA Story by Samantha ScytheThe waltz was a difficult dance, I may have been a young lord, the queen's lap dog as some like to call me, but I had never danced before. I could nev.. |
LostA Poem by Mason RayburnSpirits lost Wandering Looking for the light But finding darkness Searching Desperately searching for the answer Where is the answer? Spir.. |
The Winter ManA Story by M.KingA short story about a loving daughter, a spiteful stepmother, a lord and a old winter man. |
Around the CornerA Poem by Kajal GulabaniDid thou hear a dangling bell ? Ripping apart shackles of hell. O' demons ! Budge up and flee, Happiness is singing beneath. A reason for barren.. |