Tags Lucy
Chapter 2A Chapter by Tori WithingtonChapter 2WhenI was five, Lucy crept through the back door when my father was asleep. She had a big bulge in her navy raincoat. After she quietly passe.. |
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room Fanfiction: Case 10 ..A Book by Kyria ChariAlfendi "Prof" Layton and Lucy Baker are assigned a rather intriguing case, but things get complicated as Potty Prof continuously takes over Alfendi. |
Prologue - The New CaseA Chapter by Kyria ChariLucy, as always, arrives late to Scotland Yard's Mystery Room. She expected to see her mentor calmly welcoming her, but he seems worried about somethi.. |
The Little MomentsA Story by AdamBankhurstLife can be monotonous, yet we all have those little moments that help us get through to our next triumph. |
The Huluppu TreeA Book by Amanda PetersDoes myth and legend become nothing or evolve when people forget it? Mont Pelee's eruption on May 8, 1902 decimated St. Pierre and killed over 30,000 .. |
Chapter 2A Chapter by Amanda PetersChapter 2Through the streets, everyone was running to get out of the mess, St. Pierre was not destroyed and they felt relieved for that. Addair could .. |
A Rubbing of HandsA Poem by Andrew JohnElsie, Lucy, Olive, this small boy's remarkable old aunts. Oh, how they rubbed their hands. But with glee or sorrow? Or even anger? Elsie had a s.. |
Coronation for a KingA Poem by Andrew JohnFreeverse |