Tags : autumn

Ono no Komachi translation: "Autumn"

Ono no Komachi translation: "Autumn"

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Watching wan moonlightilluminate tree limbs,my heart also brims,overflowing with autumn."Autumn" by Ono no Komachi, loose translation/interpretation b..
An idle summer sun

An idle summer sun

A Poem by Gee

A very poor summer in to the UK, much water falling !
Autumn chill

Autumn chill

A Poem by Dave W.

Early morning autumn chill moment captured and felt...
Talk of the tree

Talk of the tree

A Poem by Jeyanthi

Nature, changes


A Poem by Dave W.

Fall here again


A Poem by Amanda Reynolds

Autumn is finally falling, But I will try to hold onTo its beautiful Colors.
Autumn remembrances

Autumn remembrances

A Poem by Dave W.

This is my first try at a Tanka
Ono no Komachi translations by Michael R. Burch

Ono no Komachi translations by Michael R. Burch

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

These are modern English translations of the ancient Japanese poems of Ono no Komachi, translated by Michael R. Burch.
Umbrella of Crimson Red

Umbrella of Crimson Red

A Poem by Kelly Scheppers

Umbrella of Crimson Red lay with me in this cusp of autumn beneath an umbrella of crimson red oh, how the trees are lovely ..
Autumn's Delight

Autumn's Delight

A Poem by Dave W.

There is so much hope for the future.....
The Martyrs Of The Fall

The Martyrs Of The Fall

A Poem by Hibah Shabkhez

The plan suddenly made sense. The ones giltAnd withered by age would break off and sailDownward as tribute until the earth builtAutumn’s crackli..
Nature's little moments

Nature's little moments

A Poem by Lilly waters

It's a poem about an autumn leaf making it's fall to earth,it describes the in depth and textured surface that is three dimensional and expresses the ..

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