Tags : Devil



A Poem by Jeremy (J.C.K)

I had another emotion overload
The Whole Armour of God

The Whole Armour of God

A Poem by The Elusive Mr Dunne

'The Whole Armour Of God'"The Whole Armour Of God"You're to put on the Armour Of God, with the Mind Of Christ/Then have your mind, be not constricted ..
Collective Consciousness

Collective Consciousness

A Poem by The Elusive Mr Dunne

Collective Consciousness"Collective Consciousness"Most mistakenly believe Lucifer, is the name of a fallen angel/Cast out of Heaven by God, to become ..
Devils in the details

Devils in the details

A Poem by Quill

the truth could be struggle
i am just as the devil wished

i am just as the devil wished

A Poem by A

poetry, or some sort of short description about a moment of my being.
A Thousand Years Of Strife

A Thousand Years Of Strife

A Poem by Trevor McLeod

Waiting on Hell.


A Poem by The Unknown Sith

"the bloodclot"


A Story by dracontologe

A story HPL never would have written this way, but it's in his mind when strange things intrude the familiar environment
Stop zero!

Stop zero!

A Story by Light

A messy story about what could possibly happen after life.
You Died Already

You Died Already

A Poem by Adithya A K

It is some lines come up in my mind without any invitation.
The Devil's Playground

The Devil's Playground

A Story by Scott Andrews

What if you had to have an interview before getting into heaven?
Innocent Mischief

Innocent Mischief

A Story by Scott Andrews

The day I graduated I was excited and full of hope. Four years of my life at the Devil's School for Innocent Mischief had finally come to a close and ..
A Letter to the Author

A Letter to the Author

A Story by Alira

Something therapeutic.
Bermudaunicorn: Video NFTs and Creative Marketplace

Bermudaunicorn: Video NFTs and Creative Marketplac..

A Screenplay by BermudaUnicorn

Discover the mystery of the Bermuda Unicorn with our incredible collections and categories. Watch videos to learn about Mastema, Dumah and Satan angel..


A Poem by MrBeardM

Good and Evil.
Stone and Moss

Stone and Moss

A Story by Chrissie Muldoon

A young woman descends a stone staircase, intent on rescuing her angel from a demonic entity. However, there is more at work than she realizes, and li..
A Cosmic Dance on the Cliff of Ambivalence

A Cosmic Dance on the Cliff of Ambivalence

A Poem by Bliss

The devil is deemed an outlawtainted with unthinkable atrocity,fueled by insatiable, blazing desire.Sin is his way of life,pleasure the reason for his..
If hell freezes over

If hell freezes over

A Book by maya_online

Romance novel about Satan himself, Samael and Vanya, the strange human who's gathered his attention, but he simply can't, except what if he can't cont..