Tags : WORK

Hopelessness and Tomorrow

Hopelessness and Tomorrow

A Story by SparksInTheNight

Solaria was beautiful. Shining. Bountiful. For those who were citizens. Reymi unfortunately was not a citizen. He was a child slave caught..
Let’s play pretend

Let’s play pretend

A Poem by Harmonies and Things

Let’s play pretend todayLet’s act like I’ve got my whole life figured outAnd let’s rule out the part where I’m walking t..
Mirror of Errors

Mirror of Errors

A Poem by Fried Onion

Looking at the mirror The mirror reflects you Blank, nothingness becomes deeply clearer Standing, and watching your eyes filled with glue This k..
Finding Stars Despite the Urban Light Pollution

Finding Stars Despite the Urban Light Pollution

A Story by SparksInTheNight

Msitu and Harmony Ametsenya are two impoverished orphans trying to navigate a world ruled be greed, selfishness, and ego. In a world where most peopl..
The Blessing of Work

The Blessing of Work

A Poem by Aleena

If you ask for success,work will be given to you in return.Despise those who whine they are too busy-try sitting, hands-free, no one and nothing to th..
The Interests of Creation.

The Interests of Creation.

A Poem by Ken Simm.

Instructions for getting in and out of the box.
Act of God

Act of God

A Story by Chrissie Muldoon

A fable about faith in crisis.
The Land of Perpetual Misery

The Land of Perpetual Misery

A Story by SparksInTheNight

I was taken from my home, back when I was alive. I ascended into godhood when I died. And the baby who was just born in the slums? I can tell that the..

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