Tags : tribute

Death Of A God

Death Of A God

A Poem by unsavable_soul

Tribute piece to Marilyn Manson for the album Antichrist Superstar


A Chapter by Dhaye

Where are you now, my muse?
Poem 23.    I AM ALONE

Poem 23. I AM ALONE

A Chapter by Dhaye

Missing my muse
The epitome of rectitude

The epitome of rectitude


In tribute to Debbie Iveson.
Beautifully Dangerous

Beautifully Dangerous

A Poem by The New Bard

This one is rather odd, and certainly not my best, but I have a strange fondness for it. It's based on "Carmilla", the vampyre novella in which inspir..
Betty Lou

Betty Lou

A Poem by Randy Johnson

Dedicated to Betty Lou Williams (1939-2013) who died May 27, 2013.
My Keeper

My Keeper

A Poem by Vincent Cuccolo

A full house faraway Slowly taking shape Drink in these azure eyes that welcome Hands that prompt to let go Wings as white ..
Trams, Seagulls and Mysterious Looks

Trams, Seagulls and Mysterious Looks

A Story by Louisa Lavebaeck

A short lovesick tribute to someone who I am deeply in love with.
A Tribute to "Civil Disobedience"

A Tribute to "Civil Disobedience"

A Poem by Brenden Taylor

Upon the reading of "Civil Disobedience" by H.D. Thoreau.
Sandy Hook Requiem

Sandy Hook Requiem

A Poem by Paul Allen Killebrew

A tribute to those lost at Sandy Hook


A Poem by R. T. Hyder

Wherever you are in the endlesssky you must know of the love that surgesopenlyin the empty crevasses of this hour. You must know that despite the many..
The Fog

The Fog

A Poem by petitekay

This is about the passing of my dear husband. RIP Tim.
Follow Your Heart

Follow Your Heart

A Poem by Coll Silvermoon

This poem is dedicated to a dear friend of mine. I call her "Lily of the Valley"
The Ghost of You

The Ghost of You

A Poem by Astro

This is a tribute to the best friend that I lost.
Words for You

Words for You

A Poem by Daniel James Cardis

These are my words, these are for you, to see, to read as you do.
The solemn crackhead

The solemn crackhead

A Poem by Skitsy

This poem is non-fiction as it was written in remembrance of a man I met one night who told me of his upsetting past being crackhead.
The Maddened Poet-King (A Tribute to kublakhan27)

The Maddened Poet-King (A Tribute to kublakhan27)

A Poem by Eric Pudalov

A tribute to kublakhan27, and a bit of a parody...04 02 2014
Tribute to my Deceased Cousin

Tribute to my Deceased Cousin

A Poem by Kawaiikitty96

I had a dream about my deceased cousin the other night and I can't seem to stop thinking about her. I cried as I wrote this.
The Tribute

The Tribute

A Story by Alice

The demon requires a tribute to keep the village safe and a young elven princess finds that not even she is above the lotto.