Tags seperation
The Meaning Part 1....A Poem by Sir_J55Right now we view the word "apart" differently. You see it as A (part)meaning a piece of me, constantly together , full of consistency. Without .. |
Divorce me from my geneticsA Poem by messytessaMy father is the epitomeof hypocrisy He is Jekyll and Hydetwo different people on the insideHe tells me he loves meBut I don't think he knows the mean.. |
Pull me closer, as if its our Last time!!!A Book by lavina k.It starts with a sad seperation beared by a girl and then it tells how she moves on in her life with a positive vibe that is actually empowered throug.. |
Pulled me closer, For the last time!!!A Chapter by lavina k.Seperation hurts but life has to go on. No one stops for anyone but heart just sinks into the ocean of sadness. |
KyleA Poem by Brisa Watkinsmy head slowly but surely hits the side of my unmade bed maybe cracking my skull into tens of thousands of pieces, but I guess I deserve it because of.. |
The Blinded MindA Poem by PoemRodentWhen someone is controlled and won't hear of the truth. Abuse and the price.... SEPARATION! |
Thy Kingdom ComeA Poem by FallenHeroXxNewest poem. Wrote it yesterday |
FireA Poem by FallenHeroXxShould I.. Should I kill my fervor and move on? I’ll burn my forests and stop my heart.. I’ll let the fire die.. I.. |
the value of exitingA Poem by desertgypsyLost 2 of my closest friends because I had tried to analyze their personality and explain to them that they act in certain ways and why i suspected th.. |
No Farewell in this GoodbyeA Poem by wordsofheartSomehow I find this song as one the BEST ever written by me.I really like it.Proud of myself. |
Two Months LaterA Story by California DadTwo Months after The Conversation. |