Tags : sci-Fi



A Story by Amaya Radjani

An Alverian male and a human female engage in physical and sexual combat. Rated NC-17.
Chapter 13

Chapter 13

A Chapter by Rocki-san

“Logan,” I moved over to his bed where he lay sprawled with the blankets askew. I waited for my brother to move to show signs tha..
HADES-Chapter 1

HADES-Chapter 1

A Chapter by Rocki-san

The world was a dangerous place, if anyone would know that fact the best it would be me. I have yet to find a person who thought of this pla..


A Story by Will

At one time these men defended us against the tyranny of unknown forces beyond the dark curtain of space. Now they battle each other as one tries to ..


A Chapter by Rudy Menjivar

Arthur's life is almost up. He needs to finish one final deed. He can save humanity or at least it's memory. He needs to help someone. Someone he will..
Mankind Depends on it

Mankind Depends on it

A Book by Mickey

James, a 14 year old teen. He is struggling against a group of people who wish to take his abilities to share it with the world. Mankind is not ready ..
Oshen's Kiss

Oshen's Kiss

A Story by Levana Hyll

Exiled from his world because he had no mate, Oshen ventures to the surface and explores dry land for the first time in his life. Can he ever find a m..


A Chapter by Paris France

An introduction to the main character and the world she exists in. This chapter is a two-time contest winner!
Chapter 14

Chapter 14

A Chapter by Rocki-san

The whistle of the train startled me out of my tired stupor, I looked out the window just in time to see the station at HQ begin to roll by. ..


A Chapter by Paris France

She is an assasin. This is all she knows…
The Mezoi

The Mezoi

A Chapter by Alysa Taladay

Akela catches wind of a possible case to track, and rushes back to check in on the office before running off again.
Point of Origin

Point of Origin

A Chapter by Alysa Taladay

Where the creatures came from.
Chapter 16

Chapter 16

A Chapter by Rocki-san

Keno and Logan were getting increasingly worse about fighting in front of me. Either they’d just stopped caring or realized that I was too ..


A Chapter by Paris France

A good old fashion crime thriller/ murder mystery with a Neo-Japanese twist! Meet a supporting character, Detective Koga as he finds himself trapped ..
The Taste of Earth

The Taste of Earth

A Story by erikaguest

A future-based short story about a man remembering the beauty of Earth.
HADES- Chapter 2

HADES- Chapter 2

A Chapter by Rocki-san

I’d been to many places in the world but they were mostly cities, large cities, where most targets were hard to find but flocked. Birds of a..