Tags : romace

I Left Her.

I Left Her.

A Poem by Tushar Singh

Leaving someone is hard, but sometimes, for the happiness of that person it is the only thing that you can do.
She's the one

She's the one

A Story by Ian A

How do you know if she's "the one"? This short sad love story is about a young adult finally bringing home "the one" to his parents unfortunately ..
You and I

You and I

A Poem by rgupta

You and IEvery time we touch it ’s like magic. We should be soul mates we are that close. Our hearts skip's a beat. Everyone watches us glow. Yo..
Darkness is all I Know

Darkness is all I Know

A Story by AmanecerS.I.

Dawn Peace, the innocent nurse, who receives a new assignment; nursing a blind guy named Adam Earnest. Dawn finds herself as a major problem in her wo..
Paper Airplanes

Paper Airplanes

A Poem by jessicawrites

Our footsteps take us to the nearest Starbucks


A Poem by Nikita Hayward

This was my first poem ever. I wrote this when I was 16 years old and going through a tough time. Writing was the only thing that helped me cope .
The Meet Up

The Meet Up

A Story by Yahya

A short story about a guy taking a risk to see someone very important in his life...
Night of Romance

Night of Romance

A Poem by Tumi

love and romance

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