Tags postmodern
2A Chapter by CharlyeMonroe“Breaking news, multiple deaths in OL this morning, sadists or religious sacrifices, more news at a quarter past the hour.” |
NicetéA Poem by Soil CreepFilth and filth gravitate.The clean prima facia,an aesthetically concerned socialitebeset by anaesthetician,who more commonly recognizesthe absurdity .. |
AmbitionA Poem by Soil CreepIn a walk past anile Americanapassing a modern laborer,who speaks in burned haze,a collection of refuse, butts in his pocket.But we both know that is .. |
A good job with benefitsA Poem by Soil CreepPasserby blow-out,avalanche of slabs,in frequency type A;he wonders if it comes withor if it comes at all.Granted, hindsight filters a sort ofyellowed.. |
ApprenticeshipA Poem by Soil CreepSeared red wail in the narrativeidea of tinyspillsover timeclocked ambiance in the stairwellbetween two versions of young. A binarydivide ofjagged par.. |
Melody in the key of FrictionA Poem by Soil CreepDichotomy of obscenities,the rumble of the low end sparking offlyrical stabs.Spell it out in white violence and black math,that familiar feeling whenl.. |
Static at A.J.'s Annual PartyA Poem by Soil CreepImplications at the periphery interrogate a flitting personality in the roomeach facet perplexed.I can step toward decisions sprawling, inconsistent,p.. |
The single most effective means of body removalA Poem by Soil CreepLet's play mind games There's a competition in me No one else can win. It's very similar to Daniel's. Look under your nose and you will see it. .. |
Natural Inclination towards fluxA Poem by Soil CreepBeat-matchinghat under hatcompositional, depositional,classicism, Inother disciplinesconsidered anything allusory, buttaken for its fullest, logicalex.. |
Classic RockA Poem by Soil CreepHunching collection, classical puristsits across the way with a predilectionforriffs and psychedelics.Having experienced neitherof thesehe seems an od.. |
Wire HangersA Poem by Soil CreepUntapped wringers in the faucet sound to denote the chimes of endgamecrackling voices, bomb shrieksin plaintive glanceseye toclassto garmentto unitto .. |
The state of beingA Poem by Etienne AndersonA thing of beauty is a joy forever. |
The Rocking ChairA Story by Dr. DubI suppose you could call this a "postmodern vignette" of sorts. It is very short. I would love some feedback. |
Feeling Anything?A Story by ZackOfBridgeEmily grazed the box outlined in the pocket of her shorts. There was a mischievous flick in her eye when she smil.. |
blank is the sea (ankles deep)A Poem by Daisy Ackermanim rational enough to knowthat the water near the shore is shallowim standing in it ankles deepand i can back out whenever i wantwhats in the water bu.. |
The Man in the CarA Poem by Ryan RobinsonEveryone is trapped in their own car, silent and hidden from others on the outside. |
New PoetryA Poem by Dr. GillespieThis is a bit of literary criticism I wrote as the publisher's review for a new book of poetry. |