Tags : plea

Breaking Point

Breaking Point

A Poem by Moonlight

This poem is a plea from someone who is on their verge of losing everything
Yes you!

Yes you!

A Poem by Bukky Helenah

A poem for you
The Inner Me

The Inner Me

A Poem by The Disconsolate Muse

The inner me should be feared It's the part of me that causes pain I'm an emotional wreck and need somebody Won't anyone try to help me?
Behind The Bars

Behind The Bars

A Poem by MaximumFlight

Will you let her go free?
Astronomy: A Plea for Our Expansion

Astronomy: A Plea for Our Expansion

A Story by Parmenides

A plea for the expansion of humanity.
A Truth

A Truth

A Poem by lijoabrahamblog (Lijo Abr..

- Every person you meet is sent for a purpose, but it's how we discover," the Alpha and the Omega" in them..
A Shard of Agony

A Shard of Agony

A Poem by MaximumFlight

Pleas of agony for release from this world.


A Poem by Nefertiti Virtudes Ahmes

A play off of Wade In The Water
Time for a storm

Time for a storm

A Poem by Anna Rivers

It will carry you and carry you,But where will it end?Hurled in every direction,I can't seem to senseThat very end.Ah! Oh, Eye of the storm,Do comfort..

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