Tags : nostalgia

That Was Then

That Was Then

A Poem by QuiteOllie

The oak leaves are brighter than last year. Older. I remember when you held them to my neck and called them butterflies We’d laugh o..
message to a sixteen year old self

message to a sixteen year old self

A Poem by New Dawn

Looking at the grainy image of my sixteen year old self How I wish I could reach out to that troubled soul and whisper gently in her ear 'life is..
Okay In The End

Okay In The End

A Poem by QuiteOllie

You are where you broke And though warmth isn’t an issue anymore Why does scarlet still linger on every inch of wall and between my fin..
Nobody Said It Was Easy

Nobody Said It Was Easy

A Poem by

about the end of highschool nearing
Sinopem, or, Nostalgia

Sinopem, or, Nostalgia

A Poem by HulyaY

the homeland enters the main vein her incomparable scent penetrates each body cell one stu..
On Nostalgia

On Nostalgia

A Story by Profkim

Analytical Meditation essay for a class on personal essay
Funder Bakke

Funder Bakke

A Story by Ravnhild

This is simply a short story about my time in Denmark
Dear Amanda

Dear Amanda

A Poem by Manda

A letter I wish I had gotten when I was 12 years old
Nostalgia Passing

Nostalgia Passing

A Poem by Jazmen

June 14th, 2012


A Poem by Jaden Larker

Wrote this while re-visiting Birmingham.
Coffee-Cream Grandma

Coffee-Cream Grandma

A Poem by Lesley Wood

Her face: the color of coffee after cream, a dream....


A Poem by Cosmic kid

A song A season A smell It's odd how the smallest and simplest things can get us so sad So worked up They can remind us of the past Of things, p..
Story 1: Move, Please

Story 1: Move, Please

A Chapter by SomeTypeOfArtist

Thinking in the dark...
Two Voices

Two Voices

A Poem by diaphanous

I can't forget
the davies edit

the davies edit

A Story by A. Louis

a false memoir in short.


A Poem by discombobulate

Let’s rummage through the detritus: glinting copper and yellow string, a smeared stack of handwritten letters, written with ..