Tags : insecurities

Trust Issues

Trust Issues

A Poem by C.J.

Something I wrote in class.
Scared to be Lonely

Scared to be Lonely

A Poem by Malvika

loneliness was an unsatisfied thirst for illusion - kobe abe


A Poem by jenna

There’s a monster in all of us. But not all of them can be slain like they should be. You battle every day. And every day, he makes y..
Who Are You Trying to Kid?

Who Are You Trying to Kid?

A Poem by Nisha M.

Stop trying to be like the others, kid. This, coming from an adult who's learnt some painful lessons.


A Poem by May

Trying to find myself.


A Poem by Gillian Gaines

This is a poem about my anxiety. I wrote it in about 15 minutes after a really bad day.
Unleashing a hefty storm

Unleashing a hefty storm

A Story by LCat80star

(This is a funny narrative with hints of sarcastic mockery about a girl who is wanting to overcome her insecurities and change things that disorders ..
Am I Beautiful Now?

Am I Beautiful Now?

A Poem by Jaja Reigns

When love made someone crazy


A Poem by november

i wrote this in a class spontaneously and i just like it
Shattered Reflection

Shattered Reflection

A Poem by Mystical Ink

Overcoming insecurities tied to self-image by metaphorically breaking the mirror of doubt and embracing inner strength and self-acceptance.

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