Tags : bitch



A Poem by ✖Lust✖

Everything. Just. Blows


A Poem by ✖Lust✖

Those shoes are awesome
Air Jordans

Air Jordans

A Poem by ✖Lust✖

People are so medicore


A Poem by ✖Lust✖

Always stay in control


A Poem by ✖Lust✖

The poem of war
Capture The Spark

Capture The Spark

A Poem by ✖Lust✖

You don't need Katy Perry's songs to fell inspired
A Thousand Ways To Meet Myself

A Thousand Ways To Meet Myself

A Poem by ✖Lust✖

Me ... Myself .... And I
· ··^v´¯`×)Pain

· ··^v´¯`×)Pain

A Poem by ✖Lust✖

A song in my head
Blood on the Dance Floor :: Murder Scene

Blood on the Dance Floor :: Murder Scene

A Book by }Echo{

Dahvie Vanity and Jayy Vonn Monroe of Blood on the Dance Floor love their fans, but what happens when one crazy fan will do anything to get what she w..
He Said...

He Said...

A Poem by Carly Shaw

true story right here. it's hard to find a real man in this world when all these boys have man costumes on.
A Spoon of Salt

A Spoon of Salt

A Poem by Michael Thrower

Before you read: This poem is about the general "A student" that most of us know shouldn't be in that position. The Sarah Palin of school.
Bad Day

Bad Day

A Poem by Heather Clayton

You. You hear. You hear me. You hear me punk. You hear me punk b***h!
Re-established Remains

Re-established Remains

A Poem by Poe Redd

no desc. cause im mysterious!
Sierra and Phillip NOTE

Sierra and Phillip NOTE

A Poem by StayStrong123456789

My friends note My enemy and my ex


A Poem by Rachi Boo

How I felt on steriods.
Same Girl

Same Girl

A Poem by Pili

How do I start?She is the girl who sits in the backThe one who doesn't talk muchWho everyone knows she is up to somethingBut no one says anythingAlway..


A Poem by missthirteenth

This is for selfish people that only care about one thing -themselves
My Day

My Day

A Poem by Cameron Koontz

A cynical poem
One Hour Speed Write V

One Hour Speed Write V

A Story by アキス&..

One hour! One story! Quick thinking! Quick writing! No stopping! No escape! This story's seed: The name Mary Sue. Time left: Fourteen minutes.