Tags : beasts

The Battle for Willowfield

The Battle for Willowfield

A Book by H.Alexandra

This is a work in progress for me, I aim to have it completed by the end of 2018. This fantasy novel is about a young fae called Pip. Pip's life gets ..
The Mushroom; Graverobber of the Meadow (From the Perspective of a Plant)

The Mushroom; Graverobber of the Meadow (From the ..

A Poem by D. Farroll

This is a poem about the horrors of the mushroom, written from the perspective of a plant, who has seen the decomposed bodies of his friends and famil..


A Chapter by Laura Kate

I am named Guenhumara in honour of my great grandmother. They say that her mother was called Guenhumara too, and all women in the family for a thous..
Chapter 1: Geoffrey Visits Zyphos

Chapter 1: Geoffrey Visits Zyphos

A Chapter by Laura Kate

Once long ago, in the lost land of Lyonesse, there was born a Goblin. He arrived in the world on the stroke of midnight, on the seventh day of the sev..


A Poem by The_Ancient_Rock

A poem about friends and friendship... Above all... How, friends should never act or be.

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