Tags : Well

Eyes down the Well - 2017

Eyes down the Well - 2017

A Poem by SariahM

This is whatever you want it to be.
In The Well

In The Well

A Poem by The Poet of Black Wings

There is… Something, In the well. Looking back Up at me. I can only see The eyes. They're like Two pieces of silver, Shining in the..
The Deepest Well

The Deepest Well

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

The Deepest Well A splash here, a splash there, To reach the top, the droplets dared. Hoping to reach the surface above, Prayi..
Exponential Decay Function

Exponential Decay Function

A Poem by Robert Ronnow

Spring is in its prime againeach leaf beautifulmuch is ediblebirds and peepers are musical at dawn.The days walk slowlytoward Utah and Italy.My left n..
Only for the Softest of Hearts

Only for the Softest of Hearts

A Poem by B

To the shore the wave remainsThe utlimate enemy of sandComing through with speeding handsPulling away the rigid linesUnbelieving a nature too solidIt ..


A Poem by JordanJF

The second story from within my old notebook.
Lord, You have made me

Lord, You have made me

A Poem by Kate Z.

This flows out of a video I saw of the greatest waterfalls in the world.
The Ink Well & More

The Ink Well & More

A Poem by Alfred Kukitz

Good Morn
Vigilante of the Oppressed   Act 1

Vigilante of the Oppressed Act 1

A Story by Erudite

A hitman living by a code of honor discovers a sinister plot to seize control of Listhania. Can he stop it, should he stop it? Come read my short stor..
First paragraph of my book (possibly)

First paragraph of my book (possibly)

A Story by Erudite

I've finally started writing my first book, and I'm interested to know what you guys think of the first paragraph. Since the opening is, arguably, the..


A Poem by Ève

Wandering soul, keep searching,roaming this desert in peaceful pace.A year without rain, a well you find;hollowness it is, too deepand all dispersed.F..
A Stirring Song

A Stirring Song

A Poem by Light

A poem which could very well be a song

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