Tags : WORK

Office Charades

Office Charades

A Poem by Profkim

I don’t feel like being nice today. I’m not in the mood to schmooze or play along. My bullshit tolerance has reached an all-time low. I..
Cracked Skin

Cracked Skin

A Poem by BlackRose

How good am I, my persona?
Dawn Suprise

Dawn Suprise

A Story by Sbernie18

Extremely detailed first couple pages of something extremely long I'm in the progress of writing. No real plot details are given but i was curious wha..
"China Doll"

"China Doll"

A Poem by K. B. Harding

A dark poem I came up with today... about how I'm feeling right now.
Special Offer

Special Offer

A Poem by House of Immite

The business of "maids" in the Middle East


A Poem by R.G. Bennet

Me = eternally busy.
Given the Choice

Given the Choice

A Poem by Lowesy

The beginning is just; the beginning is right, the constant wailing and constant fight. To discuss the discourse of freedom’s first l..
Move on.

Move on.

A Story by Geoffrey Savage

A rant. For all who have or do feel unapprectiated at work.
The Excitement of Effort

The Excitement of Effort

A Poem by Darby Louise

You must work to reach your wishes, and to reach your dreams. However, the process doesn't have to be dull! The Excitement of Effort touches upon this..


A Poem by Pencrafter

A simple poem describing differences in people's attitudes.
in which a pitiful individul hates his job

in which a pitiful individul hates his job

A Poem by freelancejouster

dry hands tap black keys for the fifty-sixth day in a row, editing word by word, space by space, pixel by pixel, for the perfection that n..
I Thought I Had Found Love

I Thought I Had Found Love

A Story by Raheem Lyttle Kiyaga

Before you fall in love, make sure there is someone there to catch you.