Tags : WAR

The War That Never Ended

The War That Never Ended

A Book by CherryBomber96

This is a story about what would have happened if Normandy failed. You will follow the tale of Private Roland Basil, a young soldier who fights agains..
Tartarus- The Gates of Hell

Tartarus- The Gates of Hell

A Chapter by CherryBomber96

In this prologue chapter, the brave Private, Roland, charges the German defenses head on. He meets the most fearsome vehicle ever assembled and he com..
Unending: Fall of Man

Unending: Fall of Man

A Book by sawreese

How far will a man go to kill the Gods? What if to accomplish such a task he must become the very thing he wishes to destroy.
Chapter 2: Discover the dark planet

Chapter 2: Discover the dark planet

A Chapter by HorrorMaster

This chapter is about the galaxy warriors made landfall in the dark world filled with Mutant Monsters. They started a war with them.
Dark World

Dark World

A Book by HorrorMaster

Is about mutant aliens that destroyed a second sun and turn everyone into mutant monsters on their Dark Planet Cocoon. Now is up to the galaxy warrior..
Day of Days

Day of Days

A Poem by Lone Shadow

Here, on this day, this day of days, Thenight is done, And in the dawn we see The enemy waiting before us, The bodies of our fallen brethren aroun..
Chapter 3: Earth Day

Chapter 3: Earth Day

A Chapter by HorrorMaster

This chapter is about earth got destroyed and the galaxy warriors battle the mutant aliens on Planet Fogen.
Midnight Splendor

Midnight Splendor

A Story by Havatara

For the group 500 Words. Didn't quite make the limit. 539 words =)
Chapter 4: Travel back in time

Chapter 4: Travel back in time

A Chapter by HorrorMaster

This chapter is about the galaxy warriors travel back in time to save Planet Cocoon.
The Final Bomb

The Final Bomb

A Book by Pillow Of Winds

World War lll has been raging for twenty years since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 and Phillip Mercer is on patrol in Enfield, North London when an..
Barry the Banana Bomber

Barry the Banana Bomber

A Poem by Alex W

High in Potassium and C4 Explosive.


A Chapter by imagination

History and Vocabulary

History and Vocabulary

A Chapter by The Dudeman (Kenneth T)

Sadly, I'm going to have to explain a few things about this world, mostly the terminology used. I thought it would be too hard to explain this during ..
An Easy Ambush

An Easy Ambush

A Chapter by The Dudeman (Kenneth T)

Our story begins. We meet Brian and have a short skirmish. Note: Dialogue in Terran is italicized; dialogue in English is normal.
Child of Dust

Child of Dust

A Story by Abyzmi

I wrote this story for a contest in a video game that I play called EVE online. Lemme know what you think.