Tags : Saddness

Abuse, adultery and alcohol

Abuse, adultery and alcohol

A Poem by anonymous

You have replaced me with a half empty bottleIt rests in your lapwhere I used to lie.As you slouch at the edge of your bed,Your fingernails dig into y..


A Poem by Another Mayfly

The human's ability to become discontent with every pleasure, the desire of a place to escape that's never enough.
The Neighbor

The Neighbor

A Poem by klawrites

The bittersweet reality of happiness We struggle to recognize it Because what stands out in the dar..
Paper Walls and Concrete Bridges.

Paper Walls and Concrete Bridges.

A Book by Queen Apocalypse

Perfect girl. Cheerleader, straight A's, artistic. Life was going for you, right? Right?! You're a perfect girl, so of course it is. But then again, w..
Her Lament

Her Lament

A Poem by Cait

I had to experience her death. I couldn't write it any other way than that of a poem.
There's this boy

There's this boy

A Poem by Katrina Estep

There is this boy,he lights up my day,but now,he has gone ways,he promised he'd stay,he promised he loved me,but all of that changed,a girl,she change..
A broken heart

A broken heart

A Poem by David P Carroll

A broken heart cannot take no more


A Poem by David P Carroll

Saddened by death
Living in this World

Living in this World

A Poem by The Disconsolate Muse

A poem about how society is degrading and beats into us what is right and true, with it being anything but about you.
One more time

One more time

A Chapter by Izzyfiredragon

The Lady (with a capital letter, as She often pointed out) pushed the metal, heavyweight door that guarded the space between dimensions into The-Man-W..
That Time on the Porch

That Time on the Porch

A Poem by Tate Viviano

Written for a friend that is no longer my friend.