Tags : RING

The Ring of Fire

The Ring of Fire

A Poem by The_Breakdown

As day turns into nightAround the lakeBoats are brought in for the time beingTubes are tied to docksLate swimmers sit on the tubesAnd continue to rela..
Hand Halo

Hand Halo

A Story by Derik Paatan

A story of a boy and a girl.
Deep pockets

Deep pockets

A Chapter by TLK

I refuse to drown in you, he thinks as he looks once more in her tidal eyes. I refuse to drown in you again. Yet she is already unleashing her waves u..


A Poem by Alice Morrison

A man will do anything to keep his love.
The Girl

The Girl

A Poem by James Rosecrans

She said something she's always wanted to do was ride a hot air balloon. I made her promise she wouldn't go without me, because something I've always ..
Cold, Cold Heart

Cold, Cold Heart

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

When Michael married my girlfriend I was standing, up at the back, I didn’t want to be seen in there, They’d think I was ..


A Poem by OBWhiteHawk

Trying a shape poem.
Always and Forever

Always and Forever

A Poem by Antoñyo

Jesus Saves us... even from ourselves. Thank God!
Vein Of Love

Vein Of Love

A Poem by Alvin Williard Aspuria Aq..

A poem for finding the one we really love.


A Poem by S. Waldo

Every day it rings Every day no one answers At the same time On the dot it rings Only once And never twice Will she answer Or only stare ..


A Poem by Commanda Panda

I'm the man with madness at your disposal. Let's take a seat and I'll make a proposal. I like you a lot and don't want you to go, so Sign a contrac..


A Poem by Aka.Hipster

His feelings change more often,Than he changes clothing,Never put a ring on her finger,But she's wrapped around his.
Addiction's Daughter

Addiction's Daughter

A Story by Nikki Richardson

Amber liquid sloshed as waves crashed against the glass wall. The tall neck of the bottle was stained with fresh fingerprints as lingering drop..


A Poem by Shivam Murari

This is the poem I have written for my sister and to-be brother-in-law for their engagement ceremony.
I Only Have Eyes for You!

I Only Have Eyes for You!

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

The store had been closed for a month or more, The Receivers opened the door, To auction off all the fittings there, Whatever stood o..
Pinky Promise

Pinky Promise

A Story by A.T.

Prompt: "Write about struggle"
This Ring

This Ring

A Poem by 1SP

Marriage is what you make it.