Tags : Marvel

The Incredible Orc issue 6

The Incredible Orc issue 6

A Chapter by Questmaster

Danny Marks was an Ordinary Human construction worker. Until he hit his head. Now with powers from a legendary Orc warrior. Is that enough to be a Def..
RAGE - The Origin of the Incredible HULK

RAGE - The Origin of the Incredible HULK

A Story by ParadoxUnlimited

A fan fiction retooling of the origional Pilot story for TV show


A Story by jo

“Within yourself, deliverance must be searched for, because each man makes his own prison.” Edwin Arnold four years ago “Yo..
Dark Phoenix: Onatopp

Dark Phoenix: Onatopp

A Story by Abishai100

An antiheroine subverts Northern Ireland missions but is defied by a rogue operative named Satan ('Casey Jones').
Characters: The Awakening Awakens

Characters: The Awakening Awakens

A Book by Devon

A crossover of literally everything, even the stuff I don't know and can't add or don't remember, it's there. It's the first in a trilogy and it shoul..
Why not me?

Why not me?

A Story by Keith's Ramblings

A little bit of silliness!
Ghost Rider MAX: Reckoning (Rough Draft)

Ghost Rider MAX: Reckoning (Rough Draft)

A Story by John

A darker, edgier, gorier, never before seen, Punisher-MAX esque take on Johnny Blaze as Ghost Rider. Warning. There will be graphic descriptions of vi..
Ghost Rider MAX: Reckoning (Rough Draft)

Ghost Rider MAX: Reckoning (Rough Draft)

A Screenplay by John

A darker, edgier, gorier, never before seen, Punisher-MAX esque take on Johnny Blaze as Ghost Rider. Warning. There will be graphic descriptions of vi..
The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction

The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction

A Book by AndrewJNoot

Based on the game of the same name

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