Tags : Make

Greatest of all time - coming soon

Greatest of all time - coming soon

A Poem by Tyler

I'll steal all artistry like it was a five finger discount. Call this a discount cause I'll spare you the change lol
Find It In Your Heart

Find It In Your Heart

A Poem by Andrea Greene

Gotta love recycled poems from January that I just discovered on an ancient iPod notes app. But it still sort of resonates so I decided, after re-read..
How Ironic and True

How Ironic and True

A Story by Onlyme

I have realized in life things happen for a reason.And I guess with my man having cancer. Has preparedme for the worse in case. I myself might have it..
Poetic Algorithm

Poetic Algorithm

A Poem by PoeticFury

There is a process to this..


A Poem by Jacques - iNkwire

Trying to capture the feeling that such a person or "specimen" exists.

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