Tags : Disgust

False Struggle, Real Scars

False Struggle, Real Scars

A Story by Virtue Jackson

My day to day life that holds me back needs to be properly addressed. Have to get it out.
You Broke My Heart, Mommy

You Broke My Heart, Mommy

A Poem by Dominik D. Rites

Based on true events. A little girl commits a crime that would land an adult in court, but since she was let off on a juvenile jurisdiction, everyone ..
The obscurity

The obscurity

A Poem by Brie D

How something intrigues someone until they become to close, their perspective shifts.
Aching and Shaking

Aching and Shaking

A Poem by RxQueen

I have this aching in my chest and it won't let me rest Piece by piece I fall to my knees It hurts to swallow it aches to wallow Why must I be pla..

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