Tags : Authority

the fort

the fort

A Poem by anais.vionet

sometimes you have to wrestle with authority *shrug*
Eyes of Authority

Eyes of Authority

A Poem by MaximumFlight

This frigid truth we tell,in the eyes of authority that sell us short,built from Hell and brimstone they're so far above.Fell from the sky, yet they b..
the power of authority

the power of authority

A Poem by godlucifer

a magic authority


A Story by Peter Rogerson

The final part (probably) of a three-part story.
The Mary’s Book

The Mary’s Book

A Story by Oktay

How a figure of authority can affect two people at different times. A bit experimental with the integration of titles and bold font.
My Views 2

My Views 2

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

The poet challenges the customary way of speaking.
The Law of Mankind

The Law of Mankind

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

The poet challenges the absurd laws of mankind.
The Unbinding: To Be Three

The Unbinding: To Be Three

A Book by Sheila Hollinghead

Record numbers of women are leaving churches, creating a pressing need for change. Understanding “gender” concerning God and Man is crucia..

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