

A Chapter by Asilem

Summary: A few years after the whole Edward/Bella fiasco, down in the southern part of the United States, vampire wars rage on. In the heat of it..
ZsaZsa Avenges

ZsaZsa Avenges

A Poem by Pratik

"Happy Halloween"
3. Waiting

3. Waiting

A Chapter by Craig2591

When someone you love is hurt or ill, waiting for the outcome can be hell!
We had no Intention of Dying Tonight

We had no Intention of Dying Tonight

A Poem by Sarah Emily

Inspired by a death that touched many hearts in my hometown, R.I.P. to all lives taken that night.
4. Chrissy's Dark Journey

4. Chrissy's Dark Journey

A Chapter by Craig2591

Chrissy tries to find her way back from her encounter with Death.
5. A Stubborn Woman!

5. A Stubborn Woman!

A Chapter by Craig2591

Ian gets a surprise.


A Story by S Anderson

In an accident, who's to blame?
Chinese Fire Drill

Chinese Fire Drill

A Poem by Physiology Fan

A poem about when I was at a fancy restaurant and a waiter and I had been exchanging glances. But once he made a small mistake, he looked like he no l..
6. A Bumpy Road to Recovery

6. A Bumpy Road to Recovery

A Chapter by Craig2591

Ian does what he can to help Chrissy get better.
7. Visiting Hours

7. Visiting Hours

A Chapter by Craig2591

Chrissy gets some visitors.
8. A Change of Scenery

8. A Change of Scenery

A Chapter by Craig2591

Chrissy gets moved to a new location during her recovery
9. Homecoming

9. Homecoming

A Chapter by Craig2591

Chrissy finally comes home and wants to make up for lost time.
Knowing You

Knowing You

A Book by alyssss

Taylor is injured in a car accident and loses her memory. Her boyfriend, Carter, must make her learn to love him again- but he can't help but blame hi..


A Chapter by alyssss

A swirl of oranges and browns and yellows flutter around me. I comb through my hair with my fingers and extract flakes of fallen leaves. He grabs my..
An Unfortunate Accident

An Unfortunate Accident

A Story by Rebecca Conway

Flash fiction about a psychopath and the mysterious circumstances surrounding the death of his partner in the very early stages of their relationship...


A Poem by Mike Goodwin

So, wont you turn around?
Make the Most

Make the Most

A Book by Allison

Wyatt never thought ghosts existed, until he became one. His life is on the line, and off the bat he meets a girl who has the ability to help him more..
Episode 1: See Me?

Episode 1: See Me?

A Chapter by Allison

Well, that was awkward.
Hostile Affairs in Kansas

Hostile Affairs in Kansas

A Book by jerri

19 year old Frances lives a simple life on the farm with her family until an accident happens and she is left lying on the ground unconscious and blee..