Tags : letter

Hello Familiar Old Feelings

Hello Familiar Old Feelings

A Story by Brand_T

It seems history is repeating itself and oh, how I wish we can stay in this new yet familiar moment again because, oh, how I know these fleeting momen..
Be Still, My Heart!

Be Still, My Heart!

A Story by Brand_T

Oh, how my mind knows letting myself fall for the seemingly impossible would only break my heart. Yet, in a hilariously ironic manner, my heart still ..
life and roses

life and roses

A Poem by Allie Esora

"You see, I’ve been bleeding for days."
Wishes to my ChildHood Friends

Wishes to my ChildHood Friends

A Poem by Marquise

A letter to the childhood friends that didn't really get to be children.
Letter to Dr. Reeves Jan 15, 1997

Letter to Dr. Reeves Jan 15, 1997

A Chapter by Robin

A letter between Dr. Cornethal and Dr. Reeves.
Sylvaine's Farewell

Sylvaine's Farewell

A Story by Reavir

This is the letter my D&D character wrote to say goodbye to her group. 23 November 2022
The Short and Eventful life of Percival Edwards

The Short and Eventful life of Percival Edwards

A Story by Juptiter42

Someone's lost in the woods and being chased by something. This letter was found on the body of a dead boy.
An angry letter I'll never send

An angry letter I'll never send

A Poem by Amadeus the Loveless

An unsent letter complaining about failed attempts by an institution at being inclusive and retaining a diverse student body...
Paper With Some Ink

Paper With Some Ink

A Story by Chrissie Muldoon

In this small tale of small kindnesses with large consequences, a young man finds that he is now responsible for delivering a letter that has come int..
hugs and caskets

hugs and caskets

A Chapter by Sho Aishe

To my mother, Even after all the letters I’ve written, I never seemed to figure out how to start one when it comes to you. Well, I think firs..
Letters That Will Remain Unread (series)

Letters That Will Remain Unread (series)

A Story by doooh

Dear Ma, I am writing to reach you– and to reminisce. I am writing to go back to those summers in Shanghai.
Dear Mr. Killer

Dear Mr. Killer

A Poem by Asher

A letter to a past friend
Hate Apology Love Letter

Hate Apology Love Letter

A Poem by nadia dmitri

A letter to my body

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