Tags Christianity
Eternity's Flawed Fatality of Surreal RealityA Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..A philosophical piece of writing delving and theorizing the origin and ultimate end of all existence within Existence from a Free Thinking stance and .. |
When Scaredy-Cat Minds Are Set In StoneA Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..Philosophical thoughts set to pen of page as Prose Poetry ... |
Within Coolest Shades Of YesteryearA Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..A bit of historical truth served up as humorous Christmas cheer ... |
Cheap Son-GlassesA Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..A bit of Xmass cheer on a brightly lit sunny & snowy day |
Evidence In Support Of God's Existence As A Creati..A Story by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..I do hereby attest that there is insurmountable evidence of God's existence as a Creation of Man: i.e.: God is Man, as Man is God. This is part on.. |
Evidence In Support Of God's Existence As A Creati..A Story by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..I do hereby attest that there is insurmountable evidence of God's existence as a Creation of Man: i.e.: God is Man, as Man is God. This is part on.. |
Genesis Creation Scene's Handy Omission Of Adam ..A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..Human Beings possess, both, Paternal & Maternal (Mitochondrial) DNA. Where did Adam & Eve acquire their DNA. If Eve was made from Adam, her DNA was i.. |
If The Life Is In The Blood?A Story by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..Yet, another candid examination of the circumstances involved in any alleged resurrection of that man Christianity refers to as Jesus .... |
Life Lessons From The Mouth of Jesus, The Sun-God ..A Story by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..As an EX-minister, I learned many years ago that Christians do no truly believe that Jesus was every bit as Human as are you and I. This tale of humo.. |
Tired of Jesus Christ - My God has many names.A Story by The_Ancient_RockA text about what some sell as absolute truth, and I believe it's all lies. |
Me, A Poet?A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..A bit of sarcastically satirical humor and fun in the Sun of Religion's factual reality ... |
Petition to KnowA Poem by Maria MorisotThe Spirit of The Lord,overshadowed her;and gifted her conceptionin her womb.Mother of God;To which every generation,calls her blessed.Her lifewas spe.. |
GloriaA Poem by Maria MorisotZeal for The Lordovertook me,but oh, my zealFor The ImmaculateConception!I’ve conquered death,in the drab,unending oceansof demonic powers;If on.. |
Perpetual Virgin MotherA Poem by Maria MorisotLook to the light!Her echoesof spark,traversingthe sky above the sea.Look to Mary!Hervirginity isperpetual,and her gracespour out upon poorsinners!She.. |
A Deist's Perspective: Deception Is A Harlot's Fa..A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..A good hard look at the reality that Organized Religion operates and exists upon false hope, false promises, & sucking emptying your wallet dry: The t.. |
A Deist's Poetic Perspective: I Be I Who Am It: ..A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..Just letters that hopefully form legible words to stimulate blinded minds to the sunshine of reality ... |
Where The Friggin' Hell Was God, When All Creation..A Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..A damn good question, if one ponders the magic of truth and lies that are one and the same dame preached in pretense of the one and the same name that.. |
Suicidal SaviorA Poem by Marvin Thomas Cox-Flynn d..This piece touches, philosophically, upon just one of the many Man-Made Doctrines Taught as Profound Truths by the Church, a Doctrine that does not ex.. |