Tags : Love

Pouring uncalled for.

Pouring uncalled for.

A Poem by Poetic_Vixen

Some days rain makes way between those seasons we got too accustomed with, be it their heat or cold, catching us off guard.
The Love of a Hebrew Maiden

The Love of a Hebrew Maiden

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This is an ancient love story.
The Poem of a Poetess Made Me Cry

The Poem of a Poetess Made Me Cry

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

It's a poem about a sad love poem written by a poetess.
There Is An Angel Who Sits Upon My Shoulder Who Goes By The Name Of Death

There Is An Angel Who Sits Upon My Shoulder Who Go..

A Poem by thoughtsFromB4

This deals with some rather dark struggles, but they are struggles that I know others face as well. Struggles that I hope might be eased in even the s..
Front Door

Front Door

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This is a poem of love.
Something Better than Love

Something Better than Love

A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This is not just an instinctive or emotive love. It is quite different from any love I know. I have far too much faith in you, And you hav..
A poem...

A poem...

A Poem by Poetic_Vixen

Sometimes it lays bare, sometimes it sweeps dreams between the lines.
Sexuality vs. Security

Sexuality vs. Security

A Poem by Kim Jimenez

Is this my mind’s creativity, Or my sexuality?


A Poem by iTryToWriteAllTheTime

Profoundly inspired, profoundly lost, profoundly wandering with the weight of unanswered questions.
Behind the horizon

Behind the horizon

A Poem by Ghoul

When the sun sets behind the horizon, it can be hard to feel present. To feel as though you're still in the room and not drifting away. Anxiety and pa..
Writer's block and saggy bread

Writer's block and saggy bread

A Story by Poetic_Vixen

How often do I charm with cool vocabulary? Never? Oh, okay !
His Peaceful Embrace

His Peaceful Embrace

A Poem by Amy R

"You gave me peace in a lifetime of war."In the golden fields, where love bloomed,I was found, a lost soul, consumed by pride, wounded.You bestowed up..


A Poem by Senu Jayasinghe

Sometimes you have to let people go and let them fight their own battles. But it can be too late for you to get out unscathed.
Sound & Glory

Sound & Glory

A Poem by Mike Davies

A poem.
peanut butter & jelly

peanut butter & jelly

A Poem by caroline carr

a love poem but feeling conflicted.


A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This is an intriguing love poem.


A Poem by Poet Pittinix

This is a high school love poem.
Joy Enternal

Joy Enternal

A Poem by Melinda McQueen

Joy Eternal It never leaves me, It is forever constant indeed. It breathes its own, It ever unfolds. No matter the ..
Your silence

Your silence

A Poem by Poetic_Vixen

A meek rhyme.