Tags : growing+up

Forever Young

Forever Young

A Poem by Blue Belle

Playing houseor with dolls.Swinging as highas you can.Feeling as ifthis will beforever.Untilit isn’t.Untilyou arein thatcap and grownwalking acr..
the witness

the witness

A Poem by jaye river

i witness a life, the one i’m meant to own,to belong, to being,i watch it like it’s not minei walk new york, hi-hat sizzling heat in the s..
I want to race to the car

I want to race to the car

A Poem by Omar asrih

Growing up is tiring. As you grow older you experience pains that make you more and more tired. So tired it reminds you of happiness. This is happines..


A Poem by MOJI123

Growing up too fast
Missing Mom

Missing Mom

A Poem by SophRBD

oldest child
Tease Mawray - A Letter Not Sent

Tease Mawray - A Letter Not Sent

A Story by Charles J. Carmody

A simple memory of brothers, a simple thought of what was
Mothers and Best Friends

Mothers and Best Friends

A Poem by lildot

The eternal love between two friends - A Memoir
My Grandfather

My Grandfather

A Poem by Sean Eaton

My grandfather, who owned a rubber parts factoryand never let anyone sit in his prized easy chair,became very clumsy as he grew increasinglyelderly. S..


A Story by Grace Wolff

I would like to remember everything at once, so I can pick the memories from my mind and eat them. I wonder what it would taste like. The pleasant one..
A Letter to the Old Man Claiming to be Me.

A Letter to the Old Man Claiming to be Me.

A Story by Arthur. S. Ebbers

Greetings, old friend, Forty-nine. Jesus. I never thought I'd make it to twenty-five, let alone fifty. And yet here you are, and here I am, inter..
(almost) a year later

(almost) a year later

A Poem by c4ssiopeia

more recent (aka from yesterday) poem im too embarrassed to show my friend haha. it's inspired off my ongoing habit of confusing stationery and statio..
Lost Light

Lost Light

A Poem by Mirabela-Denisa Căp&..

Lost Light explores the numbness of growing up, the fading spark of youth, and the longing to feel alive again. A melancholic yet introspective journe..

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