Tags : teen

Surviving Hope

Surviving Hope

A Story by Storyteller2001

"Surviving Hope" chronicles a group of post-apocalyptic survivors led by Alex, a former military sergeant, on a perilous journey to find a safe haven ..
Flames Of Love

Flames Of Love

A Poem by Storyteller2001

"Flames of Love" is a short poem about the depth of love between two partners and their journey through life together.
"Enter the Realm of Dungeons and Dragons"

"Enter the Realm of Dungeons and Dragons"

A Poem by Storyteller2001

This poem transports readers to the world of Dungeons and Dragons, describing the game's exciting elements and highlighting its endless possibilities ..
"Shadows Of The Ferywoods":The Redemption Quest

"Shadows Of The Ferywoods":The Redemption Quest

A Book by Storyteller2001

"Shadows of Feywoods: The Redemption Quest" follows a trio of heroes on a thrilling journey through a dark, enchanted forest, facing a sinister sorcer..
A Darkened Path

A Darkened Path

A Chapter by Storyteller2001

In "Shadows of Feywoods: The Redemption Quest," a heroic trio confronts a dark sorcerer in an enchanted forest, seeking redemption and justice while e..
Those 2 Brothers

Those 2 Brothers

A Book by Caspar Askew

A love story about two boys who run of into the woods together. If he ever reads this he knows who this story is dedicated to.
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Caspar Askew

James sat down. It was 4:30 PM on Sunday in the UK and the summer clouds of England, gave the air a slight unease about them. He plugged his phone i..
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Caspar Askew

On Monday, school went on as normal. James was in Year 12, which meant he had been with Michael for around a year and a half. They only shared one s..
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Caspar Askew

Nobody talked to either of them on Tuesday. There were plenty of people whispering though. This was not unusual for James but was very strange for M..
The Wall

The Wall

A Story by SparksInTheNight

The city is filled with everything anyone could ever ask for. With entertainment and fun and beauty and intrigue. So why do I feel so dissatisfied? So..
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Caspar Askew

On Thursday Michael didn’t walk with James, instead they walked to James’ house. As they came in, James said hello to his mum and went s..
Chapter 20

Chapter 20

A Chapter by Caspar Askew

Michael woke up. He yawned and rolled over onto a fortunately awake James, who looked up at him and smiled, groggily. “Morning beautiful.&rdqu..
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A Chapter by Caspar Askew

The light poured into James’ room, fand he woke up from his sleep. He checked his clock, it was 9 AM on Sunday, which meant he probably should ..
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

A Chapter by Caspar Askew

Michael woke up a bit after 6 o’clock, he would have liked to sleep for longer, but the cheeping of the birds had awoken him. James was alread..


A Story by SparksInTheNight

The city is beautiful and glittering under the shine of the sun. But everyone knows of the people living underneath the city, in their subterranean wo..
Chapter 8

Chapter 8

A Chapter by Caspar Askew

They set off around 7 o'clock, as Michael walked, he looked at James, who wore an unusually glum look. He moved over next to him and asked, “W..
Chapter 9

Chapter 9

A Chapter by Caspar Askew

They awoke and did the same they did yesterday, and walked through the same fields they did yesterday, and may as well have been walking in circles ..
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Fnaf fan

The following Friday, Kate was looking after Willow and Mia. It didn't take much work to look after Willow; she was always doing art or looking after ..
Chapter 10

Chapter 10

A Chapter by Caspar Askew

They walked through Andrew’s overgrown garden, and he told them how Jack never cared about the rest, but he would always trim one particular r..