Tags : Melancholy

Prairie Gold

Prairie Gold

A Poem by Ribs

What is in a poem that we don't already know?
A Delicate Rule

A Delicate Rule

A Poem by Daniel Fisher

I stood by the flowing mirror butmy reflection is still, I look gloomy,a ho-hum of slit in an arteryhumouring my hefty unluck an unjust.To the unendin..
To: The Girl I Never Knew

To: The Girl I Never Knew

A Poem by powerandstars

This poem is about a girl who attended the same school as me. She died from overdosing on drugs. I never knew the girl personally but I sometimes wish..
September Blues

September Blues

A Poem by Scarlet M.

I wrote this piece for a friend who lost her mother years ago.
The Emperor And His Wife

The Emperor And His Wife

A Story by 【 ♥Tangy&he..

Julius had been her friend since birth, always there when she needed a hand, or just wanted some company. Julius was almost like the big brother she n..


A Poem by iTryToWriteAllTheTime

Was thinking of someone, wanted to capture it


A Poem by Bipolarbear.979

For a friend Part of my Psych Ward Poetry
To my little hero

To my little hero

A Poem by LillianLesse

It was written during my depression and maybe it still contains some hope.
Mirror Shards Sputtered

Mirror Shards Sputtered

A Poem by Apollo

Random poem I made out of being out of touched with who I am whenever my reflection follows me in the mirror. It's about how estranged and copy & past..
Too Young to Die

Too Young to Die

A Poem by Roxanne

kids can hurt too... TW: suicide
Seasonal Changes

Seasonal Changes

A Poem by Dave W.

End of the year ruminations....
Seperate Ways

Seperate Ways

A Poem by Ak_147

The cakes she baked, ever so sweet,their sweetness grew, endlessly deep.But one day, it seems, a hint of salt slipped inan honest mistake, I think.Tim..
F for Freedom

F for Freedom

A Story by Omikron

“A First Sign of the Beginning of Understanding is the Wish to Die.”- Franz Kafka.When I was younger, I was practically glued to my bike.B..
If my heart beats

If my heart beats

A Poem by maya_online

I hope it only beats for you.