Tags : sci-Fi

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Rocki-san

The boys are sent home for their next case and are surprised at what they see. They find old family friends and the ruins of their old home, could thi..
Child of Dust

Child of Dust

A Story by Abyzmi

I wrote this story for a contest in a video game that I play called EVE online. Lemme know what you think.
The Siren Song

The Siren Song

A Story by ettorney

An alien story of forbidden love.
A Hard Skirmish

A Hard Skirmish

A Chapter by The Dudeman (Kenneth T)

More about Brian's story, and another battle.


A Chapter by sorry my friends....

The future is full of mystery and orderly love. The government has deemed that a bar-code with specific numbers on it to match you with your 'Mate' wh..
Chapter 6

Chapter 6

A Chapter by Rocki-san

The three of us sat in General Sebastian Bennett’s office back at Headquarters, waiting for the General to meet with us. He always kept..
Lord Hawk Dragon

Lord Hawk Dragon

A Story by Larry Dyson

A Fantasy story of A Dragon King being ..Animal some might say..Alternate life form others Maintain...exploits and relationships.. in Space ...


A Chapter by sorry my friends....

The hall was littered, no way to escape, great, time for something short of a miracle to happen.
science kills

science kills

A Story by will johnson

an explosion has happened in the year 2050 at one of the top science labs in the country and i have been framed. but i am going to find out who by


A Book by Rocki-san

"To be an assassin you had to be swift and strong, you had to be the night and as silent as death, and, you had to be dead." More below...
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

A Chapter by Rocki-san

“If you don’t stop pounding the seat, I swear to whatever God or Gods there may be, I will chop your feet off.” Logan threatene..
Chapter 8

Chapter 8

A Chapter by Rocki-san

Sometimes, I really hated dreams. Even the happy-go-lucky dreams were heartbreaking because that’s all they were, dreams. You’d a..
Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Rocki-san

The brothers fight a ghoul that haunts the town, inducing illnesses. Will they all make it out in one piece?
Chapter 9

Chapter 9

A Chapter by Rocki-san

We arrived at the CCOR building only to find that something had happened while we were away. It seemed as though the whole building was busy,..
Fuzzy Red Loofa~ An "A Night Without Armor" Short Story

Fuzzy Red Loofa~ An "A Night Without Armor" Short ..

A Story by Rocki-san

A short story featuring Logan, Ozzie and Keno from my book "A Night Without Armor" when they were kids and Logan decides to dye his hair red for the f..
Chapter 11

Chapter 11

A Chapter by Rocki-san

“Keno, he should be in the hospital. I’m very limited here.” I could hear Ila and Keno in the next room but still felt as t..
An Old Wolf's Tale

An Old Wolf's Tale

A Story by Observer

A new spin on old stories.