Tags : over

F**k You

F**k You

A Poem by }Echo{

Just me venting my anger...
A Cutter's Lullaby

A Cutter's Lullaby

A Poem by }Echo{

A poem about fighting self harm :: I will win, not immidietly, but definatly.
Forever Is An Eternity

Forever Is An Eternity

A Book by }Echo{

Oktobar Kincaid goes through a lot of s**t. She's abused on a daily basis, she selfharms, and she officially has no one... What will she do when an in..
The End

The End

A Chapter by }Echo{

She couldn't take it anymore. She had been hurt by everyone... Even her best friend Carson... And she couldn't take it... It had to be over...


A Chapter by }Echo{

This is me coming to what I thought was me thinking correcting and logically...
Accept Me..

Accept Me..

A Chapter by }Echo{

Accept Me… So here I am. Staring at My ceiling. Wondering what To do, Wondering what To say… I have so..
Something divine.

Something divine.

A Poem by Mehak Mushtaq

Divine Love.
My Demise

My Demise

A Poem by Chasity Reynolds

The Horse Philosophy

The Horse Philosophy

A Story by ElizabethAmBurns

One girl applies the rule that horses make everything better to every aspect of her day.
The Anatomy of a Heart Breaker

The Anatomy of a Heart Breaker

A Poem by kera moondust

Nothing to say here =)
Lucid Point

Lucid Point

A Book by ShiiLemon

"Why did the boy cross the road?" "No one knows, because he never made it across."
Bittersweet Love

Bittersweet Love

A Poem by OnesNvrEnough

"I love you to death."
Winter is over

Winter is over

A Poem by Veratresa

Another I did for spring. Enjoy! :)
vision of my night...!!

vision of my night...!!

A Chapter by Criss ;)

fly across the sky, it was...it's a vision of every night.