Tags : novice

I am covered in the dust of a thousand stars

I am covered in the dust of a thousand stars

A Poem by Larry John

a celestial body turnsmy screams into songs,and still you call me weak.I waswhen you choked me with the hands you promised would begentle.I waswhen yo..
forgive me

forgive me

A Poem by Larry John

Do you remember that final fightand how you spat blood, kept spitting blood, like you were a viper and it was your venom? There&rsquo..
 Rat Race, Cant Face

Rat Race, Cant Face

A Story by Jordan R H

30 years old and in need of direction. An honest insight into emotions and thoughts.


A Story by Peter Rogerson

Many a tale has been written (by me) of the waste of human life in service to gods.
Project Xenome

Project Xenome

A Book by Jordan Austerberry

Several teenagers raise themselves in a world filled secretly with superpowers. Those search to find the origin and others strive for power.
Winter Is Coming

Winter Is Coming

A Poem by jordanfrancisco

autumn leavesthe red, yellow, greenthe lack of sunscreenthe newly woven sweaterthe not too chilly weatherall vanish once the coldbreaches through the ..


A Poem by Terra

I wrote this in 2005. I was once of the first things I wrote and typed out, having usually written and sketched things out in notebooks. I was 18, and..

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