Tags : lovecraftian

Surviving Documents of the Refugees from the Innsmouth Cult, Volume 3

Surviving Documents of the Refugees from the Innsm..

A Story by C.S. Williams

A subversive take on H.P. Lovecraft's story The Shadow Over Innsmouth, this story is a series of journal entries from a child of the Innsmouth cult.
The Behemoth

The Behemoth

A Poem by Ciderilion

This poem was inspired by Lovecraftian and cosmic horror.
The Hull of Madness

The Hull of Madness

A Poem by bigtimewriter

Life is a miasma of wanton sadnessA cosmic pebble that trembles hitherto;A vast, blue blot woven in knots of glot,And encompassed by the hull of madne..
The Glow

The Glow

A Poem by bigtimewriter

Inspired by Lovecraft.
The Fall of Cthulhu

The Fall of Cthulhu

A Poem by bigtimewriter

A mix of Poe and Lovecraft.
The Old Creature of Blackwater Bay, Chapters 1-90

The Old Creature of Blackwater Bay, Chapters 1-90

A Chapter by TheMaegester

Chapter 1: The Call of the DeepEleanor Graves had always been a woman of science. Her life was filled with the comforting constants of marine biology:..

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