Tags : hunter

Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

A Chapter by Rayne~Drop.

Alice and Bree go to find Desdemona...Hitting one more deer then necessary in the process.
Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

A Chapter by Rayne~Drop.

Bree finally remembers a certain kitty, and an insane new character is met...Hold on, why does she have a baseball bat?
Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

A Chapter by Rayne~Drop.

Bree wakes up, Skyla's knocked out, Seth's takes advantage of Bree, and--- Wait, what?
Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten

A Chapter by Rayne~Drop.

Abuse of my characters, breaking down walls, and a "Dark" Roxas.
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve

A Chapter by Rayne~Drop.

More flashbacks, memories of blood shed, threats from Alice, and Bree finally gets a clue.
It Wasn't  Your Time.

It Wasn't Your Time.

A Poem by Sydney Evans

A poem for a little girl I knew.. She died at 7 from cancer. She fought since she was born when her life was only supposed to last 6 months. RIP Hu..
Chapter 10

Chapter 10

A Chapter by Ki

By Michiko/Ki, from Roman's perspective
Hell, Texas

Hell, Texas

A Screenplay by Patrick Moore

A special team of Texas Rangers called The Shadow Hunters battle Lucifer Knight and his demons from Hell, to save the heir of God.
The Blood Side of the Moon

The Blood Side of the Moon

A Book by I.M. de Ville

This is the completely restored version of "Blood Moon." I've fully changed EVERYTHING so far, with new ideas for how to execute the plot. Please tell..
Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven

A Chapter by Rayne~Drop.

OCDs and unreal healing. Random flashbacks and a new room.
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen

A Chapter by Rayne~Drop.

London Bridge, random bonfires, breaking down doors, and an embarrassed Seth.
Night of the Hunter

Night of the Hunter

A Poem by miss_missa07

He straggles down the empty street, past homes with broken windows, missing doors. The newly-risen moon casts light across alleyways Where..
Bite Me

Bite Me

A Book by xXCrystalRoseXx

Can a powerful vampire really tame a powerful vampire hunter?
Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by xXCrystalRoseXx

Shh, don't let the big, bad vampire get ahold of you.


A Chapter by xXCrystalRoseXx

save your soul
Intricate Sea of Blame

Intricate Sea of Blame

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

Can you not come back from where you hide...............
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen

A Chapter by Rayne~Drop.

New powers, Seth harassment, stalkers, burning cars...God, Alice needs help.


A Poem by Arly Parent

is voice is soft It carries smoothly; lightly onthe air It's dangerous ever so dangerous;smooth and slick But he catches them...awares...a..