Tags : faery

I was once a changeling child.

I was once a changeling child.

A Poem by the penumbra

I am a changeling childmyosotis woven delicately though my haira crown of thorns placed upon my head,clovers stick between my toesrough soles caked wi..
sharveigh’s house

sharveigh’s house

A Poem by bill angell

a magical place in the wood
Faery goes to sleep

Faery goes to sleep

A Poem by Richard Guimond

When morninglights come Faery goes to sleep
Monarch Griffin

Monarch Griffin

A Poem by Richard Guimond

Dream in Faery
The Dark Zephyr  (mild adult concepts with minor nudity)

The Dark Zephyr (mild adult concepts with minor n..

A Story by felioness

A tale about a fairy warrior.
The Aery Faery Princess

The Aery Faery Princess

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

The Aery Faery Princessby Michael R. Burchfor KeiraThere once was a princess lighter than fluffmade of such gossamer stuff:the down of a thistle, butt..
Picturebook Princess

Picturebook Princess

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Picturebook PrincessbyMichael R. Burchfor KeiraWe had a special visitor.Our world became suddenly brighter.She was such a charmer!Such a delighter!Wit..
Dragomir: The Elf Wars, Book 1

Dragomir: The Elf Wars, Book 1

A Book by eodauthor

An alliance of rebels takes a stand against elven oppression, intent on overthrowing a cruel king. But when a looming invasion of evil from the land o..

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