Tags : coward

Liza the Drover's wife

Liza the Drover's wife

A Story by B.J

A typical Australian story from many years ago. Dedicated to my Grandmother whom was one of these women.


A Poem by Randy Johnson

The Most Cowardice Man

The Most Cowardice Man

A Poem by susanwrite2

The most cowardice manon the planet todaythe elderly they ravageIn homes of dismayfor pharmaceutical fraudand hires, felons abroadTheir money, their h..
Keep your eyes open

Keep your eyes open

A Poem by armin

Sometimes one is scared of difficulties in life but to make countless efforts is a universal solution. So live your life and spread happiness. And kee..
Bohemian Feathers For Sale

Bohemian Feathers For Sale

A Poem by Confuser

This is free flowing thoughts about growing up & being inspired to be myself, different by Stevie Nicks...nothing special, wrote it to inspire you; ju..
Sail By God's Compass And Map

Sail By God's Compass And Map

A Poem by Stephen J. Vattimo

A poem about a wayward nation facing an ogre of a storm


A Poem by Gaurav

I am made of less than ordinary matter. It makes me weak.
Who is RigRogs?

Who is RigRogs?

A Poem by Troy Henson

Why prey on the innocent....people you don't know
If I Were Brave

If I Were Brave

A Poem by ~Kali~

Some of the things I would do/have done if I were a brave soul.
"Last Stand"

"Last Stand"

A Poem by Sir_Anonymous

This is something I wrote just now after being told the girl I was in love with was recently taken by some other guy...
The Freak-Out Ghost

The Freak-Out Ghost

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

I’ve long been pondering suicide,My life is such a mess,I thought to try on the other side,It couldn’t be worse than this,I’d always..
I am a coward.

I am a coward.

A Poem by Ellie Qtz

I can't be proud all the time. Just feelings I have.
Last Dance

Last Dance

A Poem by Rudie Rock

Gentle footsteps into pitch blackness.Hopefully death will show some kindness.He holds a cigarette loosely from his crooked smile blowing thick, intox..
Bully Takes A Beating

Bully Takes A Beating

A Story by David Stein

Bully faced and beaten by a real tough guy.
Amy's Favorite Pink Jacket

Amy's Favorite Pink Jacket

A Story by Jeremy

A coward's nightmare.


A Chapter by Peter Rogerson

The villagers have time to make further preparations as news of disarray in the King's camp reaches them