Tags : Weakness

Broken Promise

Broken Promise

A Poem by Monochrome Person

Honey I said i wouldn’tI know I promisedBut we both know I’m not that strongAnd in a moment aloneA moment of weaknessI break as easily as ..
Forte is My Weakness

Forte is My Weakness

A Poem by CaraLynn

Inspired by the emotion that overcomes one who finds their soul within another person.
Poem 33.  Giving Up

Poem 33. Giving Up

A Chapter by Dhaye

is sometimes the right thing to do


A Poem by Thomas Fitzgerald

The ones that seek honours they have not earned.
Word Up to the Nice Guys

Word Up to the Nice Guys

A Poem by profetik777

WORD UP TO THE NICE GUYS GIRLS like nice guysThey think they are coolBUT!Women want the firei couldn’t see it eitheruntil i conquered a junglea..
on the tree tops I'll hang your memories

on the tree tops I'll hang your memories

A Poem by weaknight

On the tree tops I'll hang your memories each branch will carry that of youthat talked to me when I, tired, had shut earslike the doors of hell. But y..
Poem 18.  DID I?

Poem 18. DID I?

A Chapter by Dhaye

Inspired by Dan's works. Just trying to make something different this night.
Judge Not

Judge Not

A Chapter by Abdul Batin Osman Bey

about being Judged


A Poem by Zachary Willis

A poem of sorts, a story so short.
My Fractured Life

My Fractured Life

A Poem by JayJayBlue

About trying to shut people out of your life by hiding away all of your emotions in order to not appear weak
City of Lights

City of Lights

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

Is it possible for anyone to die of happiness?
The World is a Book

The World is a Book

A Chapter by YouoweYoupay

It will never heal, my inner doctor said.
Negative Self-Evaluations

Negative Self-Evaluations

A Poem by NANA

A moment of low-moral
Hell on Earth

Hell on Earth

A Story by claustrophobic closet

A depiction of mild illness


A Poem by Mike Defreitas

Finding the Courage to act
Higher State Of Mind

Higher State Of Mind

A Poem by Rameet

How i feel.