Tags Scared
Back in Washington D.C.A Story by CompellingComposerThis is not a fictional story. This is an actually event that happened to me. Everything in this story is REAL. |
Text This!A Story by spicedropDocumenting the Present. |
Ray of HopeA Poem by CamWhy can't I do it? |
Turning into YouA Poem by CaseyWVillanelle |
The Blood Side of the MoonA Book by I.M. de VilleThis is the completely restored version of "Blood Moon." I've fully changed EVERYTHING so far, with new ideas for how to execute the plot. Please tell.. |
Plastered PaintA Poem by GreenSkeleton16poem about being scared that after death love is no more and what we made on earth doesn't matter anymore. |
jackA Story by AidanTonbridgeDon't know why but started drawing a bird's head, that turned into part of a box, that turned into a toy. The dialogue below came as a result. Calli.. |
ScaredA Story by KourtnieThis is a text message that I sent to my sister because I was sick of keeping in my emotions. After I told her my feelings she said it could be a writ.. |
Shuttup!A Poem by DarkbynightI felt so rock-solid in my decison when I first made it, and now, I know that I made the right choice, but they're pushing me closer and closer to odd.. |
Run, Run So Quietly.A Poem by SilentScreamingRun, run so quietly Try not to hit the ground For if their hands can grasp you You surely will fall down. Your heart, it races Your feet, they.. |
Insomnia ThoughtsA Poem by *Beautifully~Broken*It was 5:30 in the morning and I couldn't sleep |
Dreams To Nightmares, Part Five.A Chapter by Dance Or DieREAD THE EARLIER PARTS FIRST PLEASE!! :) |
Dreams To Nightmares, Part Six.A Chapter by Dance Or DieRead other parts first please! :) |