Tags : Reasons

5 Reasons You Should Write

5 Reasons You Should Write

A Story by Jonathan Chiu

Some simple reasons why every person should take a stab at writing.
Time To Take a Breath

Time To Take a Breath

A Poem by Joey Nizz

If only, if you only knew the reasonFor the unexpected immediate change in seasonFor the predicament and inconvenience that was causedAnd the very lif..
The True Reflection of Dreams.

The True Reflection of Dreams.

A Story by Mustafa Abuhamdeh

At the sound of the chippering birds your senses leisurely and delicately awake. The sensation of comfortability is felt briefly before effortlessly b..
Things Happen for Reason. Good & Bad.. I guess.

Things Happen for Reason. Good & Bad.. I guess.

A Story by Onlyme

I talk about a lot of things but at end of the day, I am so messed up An emotional wreck. That is a major pain in the butt. I know that about..


A Poem by Mrudula Rani

Inspired by, Sleepless Volcano's,poem, 'One day you'll understand'.
If Shadows Could Talk

If Shadows Could Talk

A Poem by PoeticFury

There is two sides to not only every story, but I believe two sides to every person
5 reasons why you should create your own website

5 reasons why you should create your own website

A Story by Hookie

Since the health restrictions were put in place, we have all changed our habits a lot. Most consumers turn to the internet to find a product or servic..
8 Reasons Why Toby Maguire’s Spiderman is Better Than Tom Holland’s Spiderman

8 Reasons Why Toby Maguire’s Spiderman is Be..

A Story by Cinematic N0stalgia

1.TM’s Spiderman doesn’t rely on his suit. In the first Spiderman movie out of the trilogy ofSpidermanmovies with Toby Maguire star..
4 Reasons Why I No Longer Idolise Rory Gilmore

4 Reasons Why I No Longer Idolise Rory Gilmore

A Story by Cinematic N0stalgia

1.She is a home wreckerNot be to mean, but she literally is. Dean is Rory’s first love and boyfriend in the first, second and third season o..

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