Tags : Pollution



A Poem by ikibala222

Hey, Americans? Why aren't you mortified? Becausethe bedtime stories told by Fox News have happy endings?
ThE EnViRoNmEnTaL SaViOr!!

ThE EnViRoNmEnTaL SaViOr!!

A Poem by kaywrites

As we look around, this poem will help us realize the plight our Mother Nature is facing and how we humans have to become her protectors and saviors.
The Well of the Water Sprite

The Well of the Water Sprite

A Poem by David Lewis Paget

His eyes were beginning to mist, I saw When he told his final tale, With the grandchildren all gathered round And he with his pint of..


A Poem by E

A poem I wrote about human arrogance. This poem was included in the 2012 edition of Urban Voices
Earth Befuddled

Earth Befuddled

A Poem by Frieda P

Moon lostitsmemoryunder the sun's corruptionconstellations were befuddled starlight ceased to exist starkness of day apervasive force paradisewas dea..



This write presents the facts from UNICEF! How can our world of humanity allow this senseless and unnecessary slaughter to take place? Where is the pr..
Fish Market

Fish Market

A Poem by zainul

I love to visit fish market
The Morning After

The Morning After

A Poem by Manche

A serpent underneath blue sky, beneath the shade of man, in twinkle of an eye, above brick wall, in the structure, at the floor, venom of white dove..


A Poem by Mike Davies

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster - the open wound that is leaking 300 tons of radioactive groundwater into the Pacific Ocean each day.


A Poem by Kiah

She was strikingly greenin comparison to the dead wood on which she found herself. She arranged walls into what she thought was a castle.She hadn't en..
Unaccompanied in the Woods

Unaccompanied in the Woods

A Poem by Josie E. Cook M. A.

Will it be there tomorrow? Revised on 4-1-14


A Poem by Tricia Pattinson

Unseenby Tricia PattinsonIt starts beneath the old steel millWhere rusting sinks along tattered wellsWho knows why it chose there to playBubbling up, ..


A Book by Ally Nera

It's a story set in the distant future that lingered in my head for a long time. Earth has become inhabited in more than half of it's surface and the ..
Cry for the Earth

Cry for the Earth

A Poem by Purbleazaleya

Tittle says it all


A Poem by n_tropy9

been thinking a lot about the future, like as in 40-50 years from now. Been reading a lot of Robert Frost lately, also.
The Forest

The Forest

A Poem by Imogen Knight

'Environmental pollution is an incurable disease. It can only be prevented.' ~ Barry Commoner