Tags : Nihilism

I am Life's Slave

I am Life's Slave

A Poem by Nocturnal_One

Just a small piece of how I feel about life.
Between My Broken Home and the Promised Land

Between My Broken Home and the Promised Land

A Poem by Found and Lost Again

This is one of my slam pieces. In short, it's about running away from life.
Stories and Struggles

Stories and Struggles

A Poem by Found and Lost Again

Fair warning, this is a slam piece. The rythym might not translate perfectly onto the page and the formatting is meant for reading rather than line sy..
Acid Eater

Acid Eater

A Story by Klep

A trip inside the mind of a teenage blotter gobbler.
An -ist meeting.

An -ist meeting.

A Poem by Marina

What pessimists, optimists, realists and the rest of ists do in their monthly meetups. 'Cause they totally happen.
Do you suppose

Do you suppose

A Poem by Nicholas LaRocca

"Do you suppose," she asked with a glint of the bleeding gashes that tore across the sunset's sky surrounding her irises, "that our children might hav..
The Seconds

The Seconds

A Poem by Pale Rose

Each grain of a second, drops of time, falling into a vast desert,swallowed up by flowing dunes of eternity, buried in oblivion.I am a being of crysta..
The only one

The only one

A Poem by Aplacetoescapeto

Experience gives you insight, insight gives you what?
That Miasma, Pride

That Miasma, Pride

A Poem by Nicholas LaRocca

Even now, as the Library stretches around me, its erections, walls of silent tomes, spiraling laterally about the center, I can feel it �"..
Beauty In Finality (Pantoum)

Beauty In Finality (Pantoum)

A Poem by Kay

These times.


A Poem by Thisismythearpy

About how we are nothing. I have been in the horrible habit of getting absolutely wasted and then writing (and later decoding). This is one of those p..
Earthly problems

Earthly problems

A Poem by Thisismythearpy

Just another "life has no meaning" type of poem. Late night writing.
What are we?

What are we?

A Poem by Thisismythearpy

Another nihilism/ meaning of life type things. I've been getting existential at night lately. This is the result.
Let's Rock

Let's Rock

A Poem by The Iron Horseman

An ironic look at urban decay, inner city violence, etc.