Tags : Mom



A Poem by just take a breath

he was driven till his head was numbready to make a dumb mistakewith every step he tookanother soul would quakeand so he grew faster-strongerhe notice..
MY so-called Mother.

MY so-called Mother.

A Poem by Shane-Ashley

This is very personal, very deep. My mother and i are not on good terms. She used me for money, put me in a mental hospital, and tried to put me in ja..
Savannah, Within A Month

Savannah, Within A Month

A Poem by Elephants & Coyotes

Once, when my curls still tickled, only the tops of my ears,Mum quietly ironed my daddy's pants - he ate his cold grits and eggs.She thought I didn't ..
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Jen Lynch

A collection of memories over time documenting the journey of a stay-at-home mother in an abusive relationship.
Words I Should Have Said

Words I Should Have Said

A Story by KillxThexCowboy

Award-winning story I wrote for my mom. Still didn't change anything.
Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by Indigo Oswald

Cassi fails to become friends with Finn and Ali starts pranking her. Meanwhile, their mom gets sick and the Austrians start becoming more active.
Curing Life's Wounds

Curing Life's Wounds

A Story by perfectlyadapted

we've got real world problems
You Made Me Like This

You Made Me Like This

A Poem by Krisen Lison

Something from all the pain.
My Princess

My Princess

A Poem by ~Blue Fantasy~

A poem for my Princess
City Splendor

City Splendor

A Chapter by Jennifer

Once Upon A Time

Once Upon A Time

A Poem by KAREN

She once lived in simpler times gentle peace surrounded her Space was small She didn't know who she was She didn't know where she was voices seem..
An Ode To My Mother

An Ode To My Mother

A Poem by a_glimpse_of_internal_per..

When passion seemed to elude me, You allowed me to forge my own way. When obstacles showed to stifle me, You helped me find resilience in a better ..
Dreams Are Yours To Dream

Dreams Are Yours To Dream


What Is Your Dream?
What Would Have Been So Wrong in Being Born?

What Would Have Been So Wrong in Being Born?

A Poem by AMP

If you value human life, you should not get an abortion. This poem is a look into the spirit of the little… life that God values so much. The l..
When Thank You's Not Enough

When Thank You's Not Enough

A Poem by paparapapa

This is dedicated to the moms out there, specially to the best one... my mom! Don't argue with me. Haha. ~For my 1st monthsary with WritersCafe~
My Mother's Music

My Mother's Music

A Story by Jennifer C

I grew up listening to a lot of classic rock, soul, and folk. Warm-faced artists looked boldly at the camera in..