Tags : Individuality

The Fires of Society

The Fires of Society

A Poem by Alexa Tasch

Teal ash falls lethargically from the sky As the fires of society flicker and vanish Choking on their own instability The violet smoke ri..
The Satanic Marionette Doll

The Satanic Marionette Doll

A Poem by Harlotte Crow

Sometimes it's just hard being the person the people around you made every effort for you NOT to be...



How truly wonderful when one has the courage of their own conviction to be different from the pack!


A Poem by Rita L. Sev

I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself. - Rita Mae Brown
The Definition of (Intrepid) Inspiration

The Definition of (Intrepid) Inspiration

A Poem by MFJ ESE

To be an inspiration is to elicit the action of another With mere word, phrase, or way of life How, then does..
she speaks boldly

she speaks boldly

A Poem by Shaun Rudie

I sit on thestairs with the childlooking through the bars,"what do you see?"Small fingers grab hold,not able to wrap around themetal fully, her other ..
On 'Conformity vs. Individualism' in highschool

On 'Conformity vs. Individualism' in highschool

A Chapter by Aram Alexander

A text I wrote and posted in my high school because I had had enough.
Uniconic Model

Uniconic Model

A Poem by Rikkevi Rue

Would you give up your artistic integrity to become known or popular?
Warning: Do Not Feed the Artist

Warning: Do Not Feed the Artist

A Poem by Whitney Kleinhuizen

The struggle of finding your way and staying true to the self when regarded as an 'outsider' in a world that looks down upon and criticizes anything a..
"Mindful Remedies For The Home-sick Entities"

"Mindful Remedies For The Home-sick Entities"

A Story by Red_Note_Writer

I wrote this with the intention to hopefully push one to realize they have a lot to offer the world, and have a lot that they are already offering the..
Beat On

Beat On

A Poem by Flora

A face in a crowd of hundreds, maybe thousands. Head held high, eyes closed, His heart beats to the rhythm of a drum. He is an enigma. For the mas..


A Poem by JJH22

MeThink of me howeveryou like.It doesn't matter,Because I am going tocarry on being me,Being the me that Iwant and strive to be,No matter what you thi..
An Inner Disjunction

An Inner Disjunction

A Poem by peculiar

-Recurring melancholy- Please disregard the type of writing, as there are limited options and this is prose not poetry! It is intended to be more of ..


A Story by MK-Lore

I feel like a caged animal. I am either on display for laughter and shock, or ignored, while I rot away. This is how I feel some "friends" treat me.


A Poem by Kendallbass

I had a realization I though I'd share.
Grey Sky Daydream

Grey Sky Daydream

A Poem by V. P. Trujillo

Vision of thought.
A Directionless Rant

A Directionless Rant

A Poem by Mr. Bird

I usually write short stories, but occasionally by mind gets to clogged and I gotta do less structural things, while also keeping tempo. It's kinda si..