Tags : Independent

I am Independent

I am Independent

A Poem by Cynthia Jones

I am loud I am outspoken I am single I am independent I am loud I am outspoken I am taken I am independent I am loudly in lo..
Independent Woman

Independent Woman

A Poem by Dhaye

Inspired by a story of a single mother
l'appel du vide

l'appel du vide

A Story by klsy

a recounting of the times i've almost jumped off buildings
Being Alone

Being Alone

A Poem by Gerry Legister

When good friends are gone, we are left alone, With opinions to ponder as strangers in the land.
a familiar routine

a familiar routine

A Poem by Lizzie Madloch

I’m not a booknot eloquent or poised to amaze.I want you to see methoughand hold me in a lap on snowflake days.I’m starting to realizemayb..


A Poem by Ash

Often the painful moments, are only a beginning of brighter days.
Gangsters, moonlight and gypsy visions.

Gangsters, moonlight and gypsy visions.

A Poem by Demir

Welcome into the club.
A Woman

A Woman

A Poem by Christian Bonoan

In celebration of the Women's Month.