Tags : Humble

When Bad Things Happen

When Bad Things Happen

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Written in the morning; Tragedy in Boston in the afternoon...
Atheists Too?

Atheists Too?

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

When Jesus says "No one comes to the Father except by me" and "I am the way, the truth, and the life," and when it is claimed that through Jesus, all ..
The Kingdom of God is Here -- Right Here, Right Now!

The Kingdom of God is Here -- Right Here, Right No..

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

The Kingdom of God is not something new. It is something old. It is the original purpose for the earth. The Kingdom of God is the way the earth is des..
Blind Bartimaeus and a Vision of Sainthood.

Blind Bartimaeus and a Vision of Sainthood.

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

This is actually, for lack of a better term, a description of a vision.
False Prophets and the Face in the Mirror

False Prophets and the Face in the Mirror

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Watch out for false prophets! They’re hungry wolves disguised as harmless sheep. You’ll be able to tell them from real prophets by the sor..
Spiritual Tax-Collectors -- The Sick Leading the Sick

Spiritual Tax-Collectors -- The Sick Leading the S..

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

As Jesus left from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting in a tax-collecting office. Jesus said to him, “Be my student!” And Matthew g..
Show, Don't Tell

Show, Don't Tell

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

Maybe at Confirmation, or at Conversion, or at sometime in Sunday School or Youth Group, experienced Christians should be giving all new or budding Ch..
Overcoming Doubt

Overcoming Doubt

A Poem by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

My faith is for others. My doubt is for myself. So, the way I overcome doubt Is by living for others; Yet, I know that it takes faith to do this.
A Prayer That Always Seems Relevant To Me

A Prayer That Always Seems Relevant To Me

A Poem by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

There is no option for "Prayer" so I chose Poem.
Winning the Gold

Winning the Gold

A Story by Bishop R. Joseph Owles

There is no Gold Medal Olympic Runner who sprang out of the womb knowing how to run, or how to win races. Every Gold Medal Olympic Runner who ever ran..
The Nothing I Missed

The Nothing I Missed

A Poem by MyOpenThirdEye

The first poem I wrote where I started to branch into the style I write now
I Stand

I Stand

A Poem by Healing Star

Well, you see I couldn't find a chair.
New Beginnings

New Beginnings

A Story by CECtheRonin

If you are reading this, it means that I am not long for this world or already left it. Take heed of my words if you want to carry on my quest.
Paycheck be Damned

Paycheck be Damned

A Story by Gerr

It is easy to forget that our personal problems are more often than not nothing but a drop in the bucket.
Sail By God's Compass And Map

Sail By God's Compass And Map

A Poem by Stephen J. Vattimo

A poem about a wayward nation facing an ogre of a storm
Mystery of Ancient Legends

Mystery of Ancient Legends

A Chapter by Armanis

An introduction of the humble men of Core Crest
Don't Let

Don't Let

A Poem by Sylvia Chika

Even when it all seems established and fruitfulDon’t let pride creep inEven if you are swimming in a pool of emeralds and pearlsDon&rsqu..
Random People

Random People

A Poem by Mifa

"For you are your own moment; your own time"