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Tags : Homesick

May 10th/2016- Silence

May 10th/2016- Silence

A Chapter by Mackenzie Knitter

Just feeling homesick.
A Maple Leaf

A Maple Leaf

A Poem by Kay

Existing in one world, living in another.
If I Were to Write You a Letter

If I Were to Write You a Letter

A Poem by Willia Blakes

Homesickness of the heart; am I doing the right thing even though my happiness has been sacrificed at its expense?


A Story by Ioanna Engarhos

“Tell me what’s wrong.” “What makes you think something’s wrong?”
A Glass of Water

A Glass of Water

A Poem by Caius Frank

The ice in the glass of water next to me shifts


A Poem by stibbe

My dad tells me home is where the heart is and I don’t really remember leaving it anywhere. I fill my spaces with brick and build up walls hig..
Listen to tears

Listen to tears

A Poem by Benita-Staebell M - Kindr..

Loneliness homesick 😩💔
Lonely soul

Lonely soul

A Poem by Benita-Staebell M - Kindr..

Loneliness homesick 😩💔
Loneliness of the heart

Loneliness of the heart

A Poem by Benita-Staebell M - Kindr..

Lonely and homesick for home and miss our sweet white German shepherd kind my best friend.


A Poem by Linda Marie Van Tassell

My pen is a needle to thread the moon.


A Poem by Hayden Chambers

Homesick for a place far away.
Three how many

Three how many

A Poem by NovaYuki

This poem was written in English class and inspired by one of Bob Dylan’s songs.
Blog: Hiraeth

Blog: Hiraeth

A Story by SleepiePenguin

Another blog post :)

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