Tags : GUYS

Evil Exposed

Evil Exposed

A Story by Kaden

Creative writing assignment for my English 220 class
Escaping Superstition

Escaping Superstition

A Book by Sara

The Centre has 15 year old Selma Delaney, a psychic with narcolepsy under their control. With the help of Jenny, her nurse, Selma plans to escape. But..
Two Guys

Two Guys

A Story by Thisiscrae

There are two guys and I like them both. I can’t tell which one I like more or if either of them are interested in my. Both guys are dorky and m..
Little Miss All About Me

Little Miss All About Me

A Story by Lovely Little Dreamer

This is me ranting about a girl that always makes me feel feeble and inferior


A Poem by Graveyardfuck

A little poem I wrote about my dream guy. It's not very emotional but it hints at some feelings. Please don't hate me because I like guys who expres..
Dear Borumkee (aka My Conscience)

Dear Borumkee (aka My Conscience)

A Poem by Silver Silence

moving to quickly, breaking hearts
Word Up to the Nice Guys

Word Up to the Nice Guys

A Poem by profetik777

WORD UP TO THE NICE GUYS GIRLS like nice guysThey think they are coolBUT!Women want the firei couldn’t see it eitheruntil i conquered a junglea..
Not Really A Story

Not Really A Story

A Story by Amy

A valuable lesson i learned tonight


A Poem by Kaelee Wyant

There are different forms of water (guys) that comfort you but in the end only one works out.
The S**t

The S**t

A Poem by Sarah Lynn

The thought of you makes me lights upI hear your name and i just want to fuckI know this seems just a wee bit forwardBut i'm not going to hold backI o..
Liar. Liar?

Liar. Liar?

A Poem by PoetOfDreams

Speaks for itself..
It's about three things

It's about three things

A Poem by Shane

It comes with a song of The Beatles - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqXmBy1_qOQ
Nostrils, Latino Bars, and Climbing Shoes

Nostrils, Latino Bars, and Climbing Shoes

A Chapter by Mr. Color Blind

Pete is still a novelty to the gym occupants. He climbs like all of hell is on his back and he’s shaking it off with every hold he grabs. But it..